"Every day starts with a blank canvas. What picture will you paint for all to see today?" ~ Dan Waltz

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Can a zombie apocalypse really happen?

I won't bore you with a lot of reviews, so I did pulled a couple excerpts. These and many more like them mention how I made my book, Viral Bound sound as if you were right there, and it made you feel that it could really happen.

Even though this was a fictional story, the author included realistic content that makes you wonder if events such as this could really happen. ~ Christy Z

I cant say enough good things about this book, The author held my attention from the very start till the end of the book, I love how he incorporated social networking in to the book, The way it's written makes one think that it's very post able that this could happen for real~ Mikey D

I was pleasantly surprised to find this book is quite different from the majority of books in this genre. Lots of twists and turns to keep you guessing, and it was cool to see how the author ties in social media and stuff concerning how the government would handle such a situation, it all felt like it could really happen in the way he portrays it in Viral Bound. ~ Katie K

Now, I'm constantly asked, "Do you really think it could happen?" Do yourself a huge favor and set aside 45 minutes and watch this video below and you decide for yourself. Could a zombie apocalypse or something similar really happen? Watch!

Lets put it this way, as for right now you'll find Viral Bound in the fiction section. Let's hope stories like this stay there?

Read Viral Bound. It will make you wonder. click here for more info.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Why read Viral Bound?

I’ve read a lot of zombie novels and watched a lot of zombie movies in the process of writing my own zombie book. I’ve enjoyed them all, well most, a good share of them. Ok, I must have liked them enough to want to write my own. I started mine just over 4 years ago and published it December of 2012. Yes it took a long time. When I write stories, I tend to let them write themselves. I’m lazy that way.

I like to include modern day events, and when something happens in the news that was actually news worthy, and I’m not talking Miley Cyrus here, I try to include it into the story to make it modern and now.  

The main problem I see in most zombie fiction; movies or books, is that it’s hard to tell when it was actually happening. You look at the cars and trucks they use in the books or films. Possibly the weaponry used and the tactics to take down the situation at hand, and you’re still left wondering the year, the month, the day. This makes you a bystander looking in and not feeling like they’re there, fighting the battles, and running from the zoms.

This is where I hope that my book Viral Bound stands out, and makes you feel you’re right there in the scenes, and not just looking in. You can tell where it was happening; your local school, your hospital, where your child was born. It happened to your friends, your neighbors, and your family. It was happing down the road, at the local market, your favorite bookstore, it was happening to average Joe, living average lives. And, with average people with average lives, there’s always government involved, so I added that as well.

You are there every step of the way. You can tell exactly when this was happening. It was happening now, in real-time, in the communication age. It was happening in the age of social media, in the age when 95 percent of our communications were made online, through Facebook, Twitter and on Blogs. When news channels turned to Youtube to get their breaking news from uploaded videos from Iphones as it happens, unedited and raw. It was happening in the age when people texted more than they talked.

I’m just glad it was published before people twerked or I probably would have had to add that too. Zombies twerking……hmmmmm.

Viral Bound, read it today and live it. I think you’ll find it refreshingly different from others in this decaying genre.

Here are a few excerpts from just a few reviews that mentioned this.

To read their full reviews and more… Click Here

Even though this was a fictional story, the author included realistic content that makes you wonder if events such as this could really happen. ~ Christy Z

The author uses social media to pull you into the story from facebook post to twitter and blog feeds. The blog from the young boy trapped in his car is particularly compelling. ~ C Gebbie

There are a few things that lift "Viral Bound" above average and one of them is the inclusion of Social Media within the story. Everybody on the net knows, that it plays a vital part in today's communication, sharing and rumor spreading. Nothing without Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Co. ;). And the author paid attention to this development.. ~ W Haas

I cant say enough good things about this book, The author held my attention from the very start till the end of the book, I love how he incorporated social networking in to the book, The way it's written makes one think that it's very post able that this could happen for real ~ Mikey D

I was pleasantly surprised to find this book is quite different from the majority of books in this genre. Lots of twists and turns to keep you guessing, and it was cool to see how the author ties in social media and stuff concerning how the government would handle such a situation, it all felt like it could really happen in the way he portrays it in Viral Bound. ~ Katie K

I was in for a pleasant surprise right from the cool beginning. This story is fast-paced with real-time experiences. The way the author mixed in facebook and twitter usages was brilliant and made reading more fun. ~ J. Paul

I thoroughly enjoyed that the book was in real-time. I loved that the author really tried to take into consideration how every-day people, media, social networking and the government would handle an outbreak situation. Genius! Viral bound is very well written, easy to follow, yet keeps you on the edge of your seat! ~ Jamison

Without giving the story(s) away, it contained real-time messages within the story(s) that makes you really stop and think. "Could this really happen?" ~ Shelie R

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Zombie Car Wash

Yesterday, with the help of The Flint Zombie Walk Car Washers, I had the opportunity to live out part of a scene in my book Viral Bound....

The scene....
Sure enough, it wasn’t long and we had bloodied hands, slapping hard against our windows. The weight of the zoms pressing against the car made it rock back and forth. We all ducked low, and hid under blankets and coats, whatever we could find.My sister was crying again. Actually, I don’t think she ever stopped, and I think my mom is too.

Peeking through the blanket I was hiding under, all I could see was gore. Bloody palm prints smeared across the windows the full length of the car. Morbid faces peering in. The slapping, the repetitious slapping of moist hands hitting glass, like a wet mop hitting the floor. The car rocked back and forth, back and forth, and the moans. The moans were awful. They have to stop! 

~ Viral Bound

Video by Scott Graubner

More photos of the Zombie Car wash can be seen here...

Big thanks to all the zoms involved! www.flintzombiewalk.com/

Viral Bound:

Monday, July 1, 2013

Viral Bound Give-a-way!

The contest is over! Congrats to the following winners...

• Lindsey Brewer
• Kris Lugosi
• Lizzy Lessard
• Crystal Merrill
• Justin Goff

Thanks for your interest in Viral Bound, we had 330 entries.
Your books will be shipped out today! Enjoy the read!

* When you finish reading it, reviews are always appreciated.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Viral Bound by Dan Waltz

Viral Bound

by Dan Waltz

Giveaway ends July 01, 2013.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Viral Bound visits the Night of The Living Dead

Viral Bound visits where it all began! Evan's Cemetery.
The home of the "Nights of The Living Dead."

I’m so grateful to a reader and his friend.

They surprised me with photos of my book "Viral Bound" at the home of the "Night of the Living Dead." It’s where it all began, not the book per say, but the genre. This year marks the movies' 45th anniversary, and that's a long time. 

It's a long time to stay fresh and still work with viewers of today. I should know, it was only about a year ago when I watched that movie for the first time and enjoyed it.

Since I recently released my zombie novel (almost 4 years in the makings) it meant a lot to me to see how the genre got its start. Not only that, but when I watched it, I watched it at a screening in the presence of Gary Steiner himself. 

And, now this happened—I'm so grateful to reader Stacey Tindle and his friend Scott Kaluza, for taking the time to do a little photo shoot of my book in original the location of where the "Night of The Living Dead" was shot and the birth of a genre began. 

I would like to share with you just a few of those photos (they took many).

I must add, I can't tell you how much it means to an author for a reader to go out of their way to do a little book promotion themselves.  

With gratitude...

Even the Ghost of Judith Odea made an appearance.
"They're coming to get you Barbara."

Now that my book visited, maybe one day I can too.

Thanks for looking!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Viral Bound Review!

I just have to share the latest review from my book "Viral Bound."
It blew me away.  Please read!

*****5 out of 5 stars - Review by W. Haas (Switzerland)

Another great "Z" novel that you will not lay down before the end.

There are a lot of good Zombie-Novels out there on the market and I think it is a pretty underestimated genre that deserves more attention. "Viral Bound" is one of those heavily entertaining books that you don't really wanna lay down anymore, once you started to read. It takes a little until it shifts into full gear, but once the main characters are established it is a satisfying ride with a twist. There are a few things that lift "Viral Bound" above average and one of them is the inclusion of Social Media within the story. Everybody on the net knows, that it plays a vital part in today's communication, sharing and rumor spreading. Nothing without Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Co. . And the author paid attention to this development..

It is also refreshing, that Waltz does not try to add anything like "fast zombies" to the genre. His "Zoms" are classic Romero style and still feel like a threat. That one of the biggest dangers in a situation like this are fellow humans with their egoistic and violent behavior is not really new, but with the idea of "bounty hunters" there is a new addition to the baddies in those kind of apocalyptic themed novels.

That the zombie infection spreads fast not only through bites and bruises but also via animal carriers is realistic, haunting and not only since the plague a real threat. That it is science that unleashes this deadly virus upon human kind also makes sense though it does not really happen because of the scientists direct mistakes,for once. I was a little bit reminded of "Outbreak" there, which is a good thing because it is a very thrilling movie.

The characters itself are down to earth and not those military heroes and gun obsessed freaks, so many other writers involve into their Zombie Novels. And there is this mean twist at the end that let's you rethink the whole story (at least it happened to me)

"Viral Bound" is not perfect, but as the 5 Star rating says, it delivers more then well and not only fans of the genre should give it a try. Besides Mark Tufo's "Zombie Fallout" Universe, the great "Dead World" Novels by Joe McKinney and the Spanish highlight "Apocalypse Z" by Manel Loureiro, this is one of my favorites and I am craving for more. And that is definitely worth 5 Stars

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Paying for an autograph

"Autographs should be given free as an appreciation to the people who supported them and made them who they are today, not sold.” ~ DW

Like thousands of other people I attended Comiccon 2013 this year. I fought the traffic only to get there to fight the crowds. This was my fifth year attending. This also was the first year I have ever seen crowds like this.

With elbow-to-elbow room people pushed there way through a sea of people, passing by table after table, because you are afraid to stop and take look; afraid to get run over. You were grateful for the clearings, which were far and few between, were you could breath your own air.

The clearings happened to always be in front of the little guys, the shy, and the meek; the ones with smaller displays and little voices. If you didn’t look, and sound like a big shot, you were sure to be passed by; with too much to see, and too little time to see it all. 

I go every year to see the talent, and give support. I usually support the ones, who stand out as being unique, different and that have a quality product. These usually aren’t the big shots, who just do the same old same-old stuff that sells.

It’s good to see the stars of your favorite movie or television programs as well. They are usually from past, some are just washed up TV & Movies stars trying to milk the fans for another dime by pedaling their autographs for outrageous prices.

Selling ones autographs to me is a huge slap in the fans face. They should be free to the fans, who have supported their careers, and made them the star that they are, or in most cases were. It should mean a “thank you for your support” over the years, not and extra 40-60 bucks.

Keep this in mind the next time you go pay for an autograph. Without that extra $40-$60 dollars you’re about to give them, your support as a fan meant very little to them. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Viral Bound has it all!

Do you like a good MYSTERY? A story that takes you places and keeps you on the EDGE OF YOUR SEAT? Maybe one with CONTROVERSY and SECRET SOCIETY stuff? Do you like ACTION and lots of it? How about DRAMA? Do you like to LAUGH OUT-LOUD? Maybe even TEAR up a little? How about a little ROMANCE mixed in? How about a story so believable, it makes you WONDER? Do you like GOVERNMENTAL issues? MEDICAL CDC, and the MILITARY involvement? Did I mention CONSPIRACY? Notice I didn't mention ZOMBIES? Zombies are a small part in this big story, yet big enough part to satisfy any zombie or apocalyptic appetite. VIRAL BOUND has it all. What are you waiting for? BUY IT! - READ IT! -  ENJOY IT! When you are done, please REVIEW IT on Amazon! 






Sunday, April 21, 2013

NEW Website!

This is what 40 hours of working on a new website gets you.
I total revamped the old out-dated site.
Let me know what you think.  Enjoy....  www.danwaltz.com

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Support your local Zombies!

It's always good to dress for the occasion.
Zombie Shirt / Zombie book!
It sets the mood.

• Get your Flint Zombie Walk T-Shirts here.... More info!

• Get your own copy of Viral Bound from me or from Amazon... More info!

The Burton Zombie Walk is this Saturday! April 13th... More info!

• 2013 Flint Zombie Walk, October 5th.... More info!

Dayplanner of the Dead is now available!.... More info!

Support your local zombies!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Between seasons.

With season 3 of The Walking Dead over, how will you keep the zombies biting until season 4? Here is one idea…

Kindle    Nook     Kobo     Paperback
 Signed paperbacks are available through me as well.

**** Easily Entertaining

By pauly_q07 - This review is from: Viral Bound (Paperback)

If you are a fan of the Walking Dead (graphic novel and/or AMC television series), chances are high that you will thoroughly enjoy Dan Waltz's, Viral Bound. Unlike Dead, Waltz provides a reason for the zombie outbreak, but it's unclear at first to the average reader. The quickness of the outbreak is realistically tragic. It reminded me of films such as 1995's Outbreak, and the more recently, Contagion, which both illustrate the severity of pathogens and air borne viruses. Likewise Waltz respectfully crosses the Dead line by placing his readers in situations where the television series has only shown us with the character Sophia. Many of Waltz's situations involve children who have turned; including a scene where Steve, our adult protagonist, stumbles upon an entire school that has been afflicted. What happens to the still-human children on the bus is almost more tragic that what has happened to all the children who were not able to escape the lockdown of their safe, secure school. These images resonate with this reader who tends to read nightly before bed. Overall this novel is a captivating read for any fan who enjoys the flesh-eaters known only as 'zoms' in Waltz's tale.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Support Local Authors!


"March is reading month. Pick a local author near you, buy their book and read it! It will be good for everyone." ~ Dan Waltz.

This was a recent post of mine on Facebook a couple days ago, and it brought the attention of this response from Carrie Shay. "We should make this a movement."

Followed by another post "Where can we find Michigan authors, I only know of two." ~ Lisa Jacobson.  I was one of the authors she knew. What more could she have needed?  LOL

I gave Lisa's question some thought and came up with an idea, hence a group called "Support Michigan Authors" was born.

What better day to start this group than National Book Day, 2013 (March 7th, 2013).

This is an open group for both readers and authors who want to support Michigan authors.

There is a lot of good books out there and this Facebook "group" will be one way to bring to the readers what Michigan has to offer. 

It's going to take a while to get this group going full speed, but I would appreciate your support in the process. If you are a reader who wants to read and support local, Michigan authors I urge you to join the group and stand by. You're in for a treat.

If you know of any Michigan authors or book illustrators, please by all means, invite them to join in and post their books, book reviews, events and book trailers. Anything books, Michigan grown goes.

Thanks in advance for your continued support.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/315421495248028/

Dan Waltz, founder
Carrie Shay, admin

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Where's Viral Bound?

If you haven't found it, you haven't looked.

Nook     Kobo    Kindle     Paperback
 Signed paperbacks are available through me as well.

By Dan Waltz

434 pages
Paperback ISBN 13 978-0974177465
Publisher: DW Publishing

I was diagnosed with cancer just hours before rumors of a cure began circling the globe. Like me, most people were skeptical, while others thanked their lucky stars for such fantastic news. Then, strange things began happening, like thousands of birds falling from the skies and fish going belly-up for no reason. People assumed foul play, but that was quickly dismissed. A secret society with government backing lurked in the shadows while a virus was born. It spread wildly across the planet, unleashing the dead to walk among us. This is when my living nightmare began, and life as I knew it changed forever.

"There is an appointed time for everything, and there is a time for every event under heaven." ~ Ecclesiastes 3:1-1 KJV

This zombie tale will make you believe... it's possible.,~By Beau Sisson 
Just finished the book. With all of the modern day distractions, it's been awhile since I've taken time to read a book in one session. This was one of those rare stories that pulled me in on page one and kept me there until the end. I highly recommend this book!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Thank you all!

My most recent book review on Viral Bound really made me stop and think. I'm getting to the age where I judge my time by how important the task is and how long it will take to do. I would like to think that except for work, which we all need to do to pay our bills, that I will spend the rest of the time on this planet doing what I like to do, not what I don't want to do. Time is precious and lets face it no one knows how much time we all have. There does come a time when time becomes more precious than it use to be. 

That review reminded me of what I'm asking of people to do when I publish a book. Not only am I asking for a small amount of cash for my hard work, but I'm also asking for a good 6-12 hours of your life to read it.

My last review was from a guy in Arizona. He not only took the time to read the first three chapters online, he also took the time to post how much he liked what he had read and told everyone his plans to buy it and he read that night. Not only did he follow through with the purchase, which I'm very grateful for, he also set aside 6+ hours of his busy schedule to read my book, and in one sitting mind you. That in itself was quite the compliment. My story kept his interest for approximately 6 hours non-stop. He read it straight through. That just blows my mind.

That's when I realized something, that's 6+ hours that I could never repay if he hated the story when he was done. That's 6 hours of someones life set aside to read something that I wrote. Wow, imagine something I wrote is worth 6+ hours of someones time. Lucky for me, he loved it and I will be forever grateful for the time he spent.

Then something even more special happened, after reading Viral Bound, he took the time to leave me good review on Amazon. A readers way of saying "thanks" for entertain me with your story.

This goes out to all my readers. Thank you all, for your time and for your support. I understand what I'm asking out of you and will assure you that I will only produce my best. Thanks for taking a chance with me, and I sincerely hope I never disappoint. I could never repay you for your time lost.

Here's the review that Beau left for my book "Viral Bound."

This zombie tale will make you believe... it's possible.
by Beau Sisson

"Just finished the book. With all of the modern day distractions, it's been awhile since I've taken time to read a book in one session. This was one of those rare stories that pulled me in on page one and kept me there until the end. I highly recommend this book!"

Read more thank you reviews here... www.tinyurl.com/viralboundamazon 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Is Doomsday Soon?

   Well Friday was sure an awakening wasn’t it? An undetected meteor crosses through our atmosphere at 30,000mph and explodes over Russia. Thousands injured.  Undetected possibly because it was too small or maybe NASA was too busy watching an asteroid, half the size of a football field, pass between the Earth and the Moon. We were never in danger of that one, they say, but the smaller one sure snuck through. I say snuck through like we could actually have stopped it we had known it was coming. Truth is the Earth gets pounded with tons of space debris every day. Most never seeing, and usually no damage, but the possibility is still there that the big one could hit us when we least suspect it.

      What are these gas filled space rocks anyway. Entering our atmosphere, streaking across our skies like fireballs on a mission. Is the crater that they leave when they strike the only thing they leave behind? What about when they disincarnate above our heads into the air that we breathe? Is it still safe to breathe? No one knows where it comes from? Could it be toxic? Could it spread an unknown virus and start another black plague, or worse, a zombie apocalypse? Many books are written that way. Could the blast of the impact do to us, what it did to our dinosaur’s years ago?

         Is doomsday near? Probably not, but the events this past Friday should tell us all, we just never know.

      If you like doomsday scenarios, and adventures let me recommend to you a book that I did the cover art for, and soon to be released by a good friend of mine, Dale Langlois, “The Second Intelligent Species.” It is days away of being released on Kindle and paperback.

      While I’m at it, let me also introduce to you my doomsday adventure “Viral Bound” which is available on Amazon now!  Personally signed paperbacks are also available.

These books are fiction, but read as if it can really happen.

• Viral Bound on Amazon Click here!

• The Second Intelligent Species on Amazon Coming Soon!

Read them both, you’ll be glad you did.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Zombies in Marquette, Michigan

This kind of reminded me of the "War of the Worlds" broadcast. For the full story Click here.