With season 3 of The Walking Dead over, how will you keep the zombies biting until season 4? Here is one idea…
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If you are a fan of the Walking Dead (graphic novel and/or AMC television series), chances are high that you will thoroughly enjoy Dan Waltz's, Viral Bound. Unlike Dead, Waltz provides a reason for the zombie outbreak, but it's unclear at first to the average reader. The quickness of the outbreak is realistically tragic. It reminded me of films such as 1995's Outbreak, and the more recently, Contagion, which both illustrate the severity of pathogens and air borne viruses. Likewise Waltz respectfully crosses the Dead line by placing his readers in situations where the television series has only shown us with the character Sophia. Many of Waltz's situations involve children who have turned; including a scene where Steve, our adult protagonist, stumbles upon an entire school that has been afflicted. What happens to the still-human children on the bus is almost more tragic that what has happened to all the children who were not able to escape the lockdown of their safe, secure school. These images resonate with this reader who tends to read nightly before bed. Overall this novel is a captivating read for any fan who enjoys the flesh-eaters known only as 'zoms' in Waltz's tale.