January is behind us already. Where has time gone? It’s been a busy month for me. As you can see my blog has a new look and I hope to keep it updated regularly now that I like it. I also designed a blog for a writing community, which I’m proud to be a participant of. Its call Pentalk, and I will be writing a bi-weekly column there about Marketing. If you like to write I urge you to join, you’ll be glad you did. Check it out here pentalkcommunity.blogspot.com/
Speaking of cover designs, I also designed a cover for my short story “Endangered Domain” and a cover for my next book “Viral Bound” an apocalyptic novel. A genre I enjoy the most. I’ve been working pretty steady on it lately and its coming along very well. If all goes as planned, I hope to release it this summer or fall, at least in ebook format if not paperback.
Speaking of ebooks, I’m excited to announce that my books "Kornstalkers" and "Dragon•Fly" are available as ebooks now, in Kindle and in Nook formats. I’m pretty excited about the ebooks as I got a Kindle for Christmas and I never dreamed it would be so much fun. I see a huge market in ebooks and look forward to keep heading in that direction.
Other things that January has brought us, is a new zodiac sign that I’m sure confused the heck out of you as well as the Zodiac Killer. By now he should be wondering if he had killed the right people or not as most every ones sign has changed. I know it confused the heck out of birds as around the same time thousands fell from the skies to their deaths across the world. And, fish and crabs have died by the millions. No explanation I guess is needed, because we never really got one. Not all that sure we should be good with that.
I had the pleasure of Jury Duty this month, hoping to at least get a good story out of it, but the criminals plead guilty before I got a chance to hear the whole thing.
We also had the biggest snowfall of the year recently, which closed schools for two days, made the roads a mess and I got to spend some quality time with my snow blower. Not complaining, I love my snow blower, and Michigan has been spared greatly this year from bad weather, but it sure has been cold.
Which leads me to my Consumers Energy bill. They only want an arm and a leg this month to heat my home, so if you need a painting done I suggest getting a hold of me soon while I still have an arm to paint with. At this rate I may only be able to paint for one more month without having to hold the brush in my mouth. Unless, I can convince my wife to volunteer her arm and leg first, she is a very giving person after all.
That was part of my January. I’m looking forward to what February brings.
Follow your dreams folks. I’m following mine.
p.s. Hoping to start a new painting demo soon!
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